MOMentum is a village of support for busy parents! MOMentum Coworking offers coworking space with coffee and wifi. There is onsite childcare with professional caregivers Monday through Friday from 8:30-5:30. MOMentum Kids Club provides creative arts before and after school care and summer camp for kids of all ages with locations in Upper Dublin and Lower Gwynedd. Lastly, we have great events for parents and kids. Join us!
About Us
MOMentum Coworking is the first Coworking+Childcare program in the Philadelphia Area!
Coworking with childcare is offered Monday through Friday from 8:30am-5:30 pm with 2-5 day per week options. Enjoy high speed wifi, coffee and community! Enjoy regularly scheduled classes and events for adults and kids. Members receive free or discounted admission to events. Caregivers have clearances, CPR certification, and experience in childcare. We adhere to best practice in terms of caregiver to child ratios. The childcare program offers an enriching schedule including outdoor play, free play, circle time, story time, and fine and gross motor activities.
Annual closures- New Year's Day, MLK Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, July 4th, Closed Last week of August, Labor Day, Thanksgiving (Thursday-Friday) and December 24th through January 1st.
*Pricing subject to change
**Parents must remain onsite with children with some opportunities to go offsite for meetings/errands
**We require a 1 month deposit and 30 days notice for schedule changes.
**Drop-in services or custom schedules may be arranged based on availability and discretion. Email momentumcoworking@gmail.com for more information.