MOMentum is a village of support for busy parents! MOMentum Coworking offers coworking space with coffee and wifi. There is onsite childcare with professional caregivers Monday through Friday from 8:30-5:30. MOMentum Kids Club provides creative arts before and after school care and summer camp for kids of all ages with locations in Upper Dublin and Lower Gwynedd. Lastly, we have great events for parents and kids. Join us!
Coworking with
Are you a Freelance or remote worker?
Could you
benefit from
workspace with
or without
childcare? Join
our community
Flexible Enriching Before care After care and camps
Are you searching for a place where kids explore the creative arts, build friendships, play, and relax? Do you need a flexible schedule or care just for early dismissal/inservice days? Join us!
Recent/Upcoming Events!
Check our Facebook, Instagram and BookWhen for up to date event details.
Coworking with Kids
Monday-Friday 8:30-5:30pm located in Lower Gwynedd we offer shared workspace and Infant, Toddler and Preschool Classes & Family Events.
Kids Club
Early Care 7-9am
Aftercare Dismissal-5:30pm
A safe place for kids to be kids!
Expanding to Our Lady of Mercy for Early Care this year!

Kids in Action
1st Friday of each Month
Kids learn and serve locally and globally.
After School Clubs
Nature Club
Science Club
Sports Club
Creators Club
Illustrators Club
Summer Camp
Camp is open to ages 4-12yr old. Find themes and details in packet. Mini-camp location open to infants through 2nd grade. Click the camp tab for more information.